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crankier National Economic Security and Reformation Act 2005 Oct 07
     ... tax evasion . legal ...
"NESARA initiates PEACE IMMEDIATELY and 1. Provides forgiveness of credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt as remedy for bank and government frauds; 2. Abolishes the IRS; creates flat rate non-essential 'new items only' sales tax revenue for government; 3. Initiates U.S. Treasury Bank System, which absorbs the Federal Reserve, and new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency; 4. Restores Constitutional Law; 5. Requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections within 120 days; 6. Requires the President Designate to declare 'Peace' enabling international banking improvements to proceed smoothly; ends U.S. aggressive military actions immediately, and many more improvements."

crankiest Income Tax is Unconstitutional 2003 Oct 30
     ... tax evasion . economics ...
"For most citizens, income tax is unconstitutional. ... We need to act before an uninformed Congress tries to re-create the non-existent 16th Amendment. All of us want to get rid of income taxes. Now is the time. It is something we can all do, but it is also something that we all must do."

crankier Freedom Site 2003 Oct 30
     ... tax evasion ...
"Articles and essays concerning the wrongful and unconstitutional application of so-called income tax laws to individuals who are not subject to nor liable for those laws."

cranky Freedom Above Fortune 2002 Oct 04
     ... tax evasion ...
"You'll notice that the name of this organization is Freedom Above Fortune, not Freedom Without Fortune or Freedom Instead of Fortune. Rather, Freedom Above Fortune is an organization dedicated to the concept that no amount of real or perceived economic prosperity or fortune is worth trading for your freedom. This is not to say that pursuing economic prosperity, in and of itself, is bad. Rather, it is to say that those who are willing to sell their freedom and their children's freedom for a few pieces of silver, as Judas did when he betrayed Jesus Christ, are shortsighted and foolish. If you are willing to sell your freedom for short term financial security, real or perceived, the willingness to sell your very soul can't be far behind. Freedom Above Fortune was founded by Joseph R. (Joe) Banister, a former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent who learned of serious constitutional questions relating to the federal income tax and the federal banking and monetary systems. Mr. Banister's expertise in the fields of accounting, finance, taxation, and law enforcement enabled him to not only understand these issues but realize that he could play a role in bringing the issues into the public arena for analysis and debate."

crankier We the People Projects: Legality of Income Tax 2002 Oct 04
     ... tax evasion ...
"On July 1 and 2, 1999, we launched our Legality-of-Income-Tax project to get the federal government to respond to the petitions for a redress of grievances related to the allegedly fraudulent and illegal income tax system. We sponsored four conferences at the National Press Club in Washington DC. However, it was not until after we publicized the evidence in four editions of USA TODAY, assembled a delegation of hundreds of people from all over the country for a 'walk-around' the IRS headquarters building and Bob Schulz embarked on a hunger fast that the government finally agreed to respond to our petition. The citizens' truth-in-taxation hearing is now scheduled for February 27 and 28, 2002, on Capitol Hill. Our educational activities in this regard are having a significant impact. We are witnessing a growing call, in and out of Congress, for an end to the federal income tax. On July 1, 2001, Bob Schulz began a hunger fast in defense of his essential right to petition the government for a redress of grievances (and government's obligation to answer). He said he would continue the fast until he died or until the federal government agreed to send its experts to meet with researchers from the people's tax honesty movement, in a public forum, to answer questions raised by those researchers -- questions which challenge the legal authority of the IRS to force employers to withhold the income tax from the paychecks of their employees or to force most Americans to file a tax return and to pay the tax."

anti Tax Fraud Alerts 2002 Oct 04
     ... tax evasion ...
"'If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!' Seek expert advice before you subscribe to any scheme that offers instant wealth or exemption from your obligation as a United States Citizen to pay taxes. Buying into a tax evasion scheme can be very costly."

cranky Why No One Is Required to File Tax Returns 2002 Aug 15
     ... tax evasion ...
"Mr. Conklin has helped hundreds of people over the last 20 years in their battles with the IRS. He has written Why No One Is Required to File Tax Returns, now published by Davidson Press. Mr. Conklin's book proves that the IRS cannot legally require the filing of tax returns and that the courts and the government are misrepresenting the law. The IRS refers to the income tax as voluntary but prosecutes individuals who do not 'volunteer' in violation of the law."

crankier Restoring America to Constitutional Principles 2002 Aug 15
     ... politics . tax evasion . megalomaniacs ...
Another person who thinks they shouldn't have to pay taxes.

cranky 2002 Feb 26
     ... tax evasion ...
"Filing IRS Form 1040 tax form income taxes is voluntary! Learn why. Receive (today via email) your FREE BOOK about IRS taxes titled... 'Good News for Form 1040 Filers, Bad News for the IRS' Then legally eliminate your IRS Form 1040 Income Tax and keep 100% of the money you earn... no matter what your level of income is!"

anti A Tale of Two Tax Havens from the Land of Oz 2000 Dec 30
     ... micronations . tax evasion ...
"Dominion of Melchizedek is located on Karitane Island and now includes the Taongi Atoll in the Northern Atolls of the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific 1000 miles south of Tahiti. However, the Marshall Islands government has condemned the 'fraudulent assertions' of two organizations, namely the DOM and sister nation, the Kingdom of EnenKio, claiming to represent the mid-Pacific nation amid an alleged investment scam according to an article in Agence France-Presse. The Marshall Islands foreign ministry has issued warnings to countries against acknowledging any fraudulent claims made by representatives of either nation."

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