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anti Bad Astronomy: Planet X 2003 May 22
     ... astronomy . Planet X . apocalypse ...
"Doomsayers seem to pop up every few years. Last time, it was the alignment of the planets that somehow managed not to destroy the Earth in May 2000. Now, we have Planet X. A few people are claiming that a heretofore unknown planet in our solar system is on a very long, elliptical orbit. In May 2003, it will pass close enough to the Earth to affect it in some way, causing it to flip over (what many call a 'pole shift') and spur many other huge disasters. The end result will be the deaths of many billions of people. There are a large number of web pages, chat rooms and books about Planet X and its horrible effects on the Earth. So the question is, does this planet exist, and will it come by in May 2003 and cause all this horror? No, and no."

anti Planet X and the Pole Shift 2002 Sep 19
     ... Nibiru . Planet X ...
"This site is about information regarding a mythical Planet X (called Nibiru by some) and an encounter with Earth in 2003 and a shifting of the Earth's poles which is supposed to cause an end to our civilization. This is a very silly theory backed by bad science and old news articles that unfortunately some people believe. ... I decided to put this site together to collect the information regarding the scientific facts and science related news stories on Planet X in one place. I am not a scientist. Much of the information on this site was posted on sci.astro and sci.astro.amateur to counter the bad science of the Planet X 2003 posts. Other information was gathered from around the internet to answer some of the odd claims. I have verified all the information by as many sources as possible."

anti Bad Astronomy: The Planet X Saga 2002 Aug 17
     ... Planet X . astronomy . skepticism ...
"Doomsayers seem to pop up every few years. Last time, it was the alignment of the planets that somehow managed not to destroy the Earth in May 2000. Now, we have Planet X. A few people are claiming that a heretofore unknown planet in our solar system is on a very long, elliptical orbit. In May 2003, it will pass close enough to the Earth to affect it in some way, causing it to flip over (what many call a 'pole shift') and spur many other huge disasters. The end result will be the deaths of many billions of people. There are a large number of web pages, chat rooms and books about Planet X and its horrible affects on the Earth. So the question is, does this planet exist, and will it come by in May 2003 and cause all this horror? No, and no."

crankiest Blindsided 2001 Nov 18
     ... Planet X . science . prophecy ...
"Why do I believe Planet X will be returning in 2003? A combination of in depth research and life experience. In the mid '70's, at age 19, I started work with a solar cell corporation. It had technology that could undercut the cost of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Twelve years later it became clear that there were people that controlled the energy cartel, banks and media that were engaged in a combination of underhanded financial and legal maneuvers to stop us. I wasn't looking to find that these controllers existed. I had no interest in them. I did become acutely aware of them first hand, having watched as they slapped the company I worked with down and effectively shelved the technology."

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