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Crank Dot Net cranks, crackpots, kooks, & loons on the net





cranky The Haunted Diary 2005 Oct 07
     ... ghosts ...
"An account of ghosts and spirits in two houses in Pennsylvania supported by EVPs, images, documentations, ghost cams, a chatroom, stories and feedback from a ghost message board."

cranky Proof Paranormal 2005 Feb 12
     ... paranormal . ghosts . spiritualism ...
"Got ghosts? Maybe we can help! PROOF investigates the paranormal using night vision surveillance, conventional as well as digital video and photography, various recording devices to capture EVP recordings, EMF detectors, digital thermometers, and more. We aim to try to confirm or disprove the presence of anything paranormal if at all possible. If we do find something strange is afoot we will do whatever we can to help you deal with the situation at hand. Business and residential investigations are free of charge, all we ask is that individuals contacting us are serious, because we are."

cranky Angels & Ghosts 2004 Jul 10
     ... ghosts ...
"Got ghosts?"

crankiest The Shadowers 2002 Oct 04
     ... ghosts ...
"You're sitting at your computer late at night - only the dim glow of your monitor lights the room. Your cat is happily sitting on the small table beside your desk. It's quiet, you're comfortable, and lost in your work. Suddenly, though, your work is disturbed as you spy a black figure racing at the edge of your vision. You jump and look around. Nothing is there. How many times has this happened to you? If you're honest with yourself, I'm sure you'll answer that it's happened more times than you can count. Generally, you would laugh it off as a bit of paranoia or perhaps you were tired. If you're part of a growing group of people, you might claim it was the Shadow People. Who are the Shadow People? Not much is known at this time. Maybe it is indeed our imagination or mythology gone astray. Maybe we're all seeing exactly what we think we're seeing -- creatures moving through the shadows."

cranky Surfing the Apocalypse: The eBay Haunted Painting 2002 Aug 17
     ... ghosts ...
"The following item was placed for sale to the highest bidder at the online auction site Ebay. A SURFING THE APOCALYPSE exclusive interview with the new owner of the painting can be found following the copy of the ad. Here is the unedited text of the original ad. Photos that appeared in the ad are also included but have been resized/positioned to fit the page. They do appear in the original order. Some people have reported disturbing reactions upon viewing these photos so be forewarned."

cranky Castle of Spirits: The Haunted eBay Painting 2002 Aug 17
     ... ghosts ...
"In February, 2000 the sudden appearance of a rather strange painting with the accompanying title of 'Haunted Painting' made it's debut on Of course a title like this is going to attract attention and it's still discussed to this day whether the painting is genuinely haunted or not. Even stranger is the reactions that the general public had when viewing the photos of the painting. The artist is Bill Stoneham, the painting title is 'Hands Resist Him.' You can visit his website at Stoneham Studios. Bill tells of how he painted Hands Resist Him in 1972, the boy in the picture being himself, the hands being other lives, the windows/door being a thin veil between waking and dreaming with the small doll like girl being the guide through. Bill does not know how his painting ended up abandoned as described by the seller, but he does know a gallery owner where the painting was originally displayed and sold at, and a Los Angeles Times critic, who reviewed the show, were both dead within one year of the painting being shown."

cranky Weird Wisconsin 2002 Aug 15
     ... UFOlogy . ghosts . paranormal . occult ...
"However, beneath this mundane reality lies something more mysterious, sinister, macabre. The outright weird comports with everyday reality, yet because this weirdness is seldom collated or even mentioned in contemporary media outlets, few know the true extent of The Weirdness That Lurks All Around Us. This is the mission of this website; to collate the weirdness, to call attention to otherwise anomalous events or people; to label and perhaps explain unexplained phenomena; to invigorate the imagination; to celebrate the uniqueness of the Wisconsin State of Being; to rescue us from the Creeping Monotony so much of America seems bent on becoming."

cranky Billy's Ghost Page 2002 Feb 26
     ... ghosts . paranormal ...
"If anyone in the Bronx New York area has a strange case or disturbence they want solved e-mail the screen name at the bottom of this page.Also if your out side are reach we could take your case and try to get another group to get to were you are located."

links Alien/UFO Art Gallery, Ghost & Metaphysics 2001 Dec 29
     ... UFOlogy . alien abductions . ghosts . metaphysics . paranormal . crop circles ...
"Home of the Alien/UFO/Ghost Research Society Please Scroll Down and click on and enter each page of our Web site. Click here to submit UFO, Abduction, Crop Circle, Cattle Mutilation, Paranormal Haunting or ghost report. Note: For all reports, data, etc. submitted: Anonymity will be protected by request."

cranky Obiwan's UFO-Free Paranormal Page 2001 May 28
     ... ghosts ...
"Welcome to the UFO-Free Paranormal Page. This page is home to the oldest true ghost story archive on the net (with stories dating back to 1993) as well as the Official FAQ for the alt.folklore.ghost-stories newsgroup. In addition, you will find hundreds of paranormal links, information on hauntings and publically accessible haunted places, a Message Board, one of the biggest Ghostlight Pages on the web, and more. Please take a look around and leave a message in the Guestbook or email Obiwan and let me know what you think. My main source for improving the page is reader comments, submissions, and suggestions."

cranky Haunter's Ghost Stories 2000 Jun 27
     ... paranormal . ghosts ...
"True stories ... Fiction and semi-autobiographical stories ..."

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