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crankier Reptoid Resistance Group 2005 May 04
     ... Reptilians ...
"have looked over the findings of various researchers in the field of Reptoid Research, and have done extensive investigation on my own to construct this expose. I ask you to read this paper with an open-mind, and challenge some of the commonly held beliefs of society. My views and the views of other researchers in this field can be considered very controversial, and at times, conflicting. I will do my best to convince you that reptoids exist. These sentient reptilian creatures are often referred to as Lizard-men, The Green Menace, or Kobolds. Not only do they exist, but are planning to take over our world, and are already well on there way to doing so, infiltrating even the highest ranks of our government. I hope you will take my paper seriously, and not dismiss me as another crackpot conspiracy theorist as so many other brilliant men in my field have been."

crankiest The Watcher Files 2004 Nov 06
     ... extraterrestrials . Reptilians . Nibiru . conspiracy . paranoia . science fiction . New World Order ...
"Exposing human retpilians, aliens, secret government, black projects ... Warning: This site contains an excess of free speech! ... Tearing Down the NWO Strongholds:Neutralizing Towers, Defeating and Stopping Chemtrails, Asphyxiating Aliens ... They Live ... What I find interesting about this 'UN Bio-Diversity map' the restructuring of America is that in every instance I have located an alien base or joint human-alien base, it ended up on this map being found as a red zone. Are they revealing what these red zones really are? Seems like it! ... Sign My Petition to End the Presence of the New World Order in America: Let's Take Our Country Back! ... The Sellout of America - The Companies and Organizations Involved with Joint Alien-Human Bases ... Is Ted Kennedy Shape-shifting? ..."

cranky Reptilian Watch 2004 Jul 10
     ... Reptilians ...
"Welcome to Reptilian Watch, a repository of images related to Reptilian/Masonic symbolism. ... I don't pretend to understand all of this stuff, but it certainly seems odd to me."

illucid The Son of God 2003 Aug 03
     ... Reptilians ...
"'When you are constantly seeing Reptilians searching through your house, and stuff, everyone behind you always believes you are a 'fruit loop' but the further back from the insane edge they are the more extreme,and indeed whacko, you appear,to them,to be. In this way,one persons 'ramblings' can be another's 'gibberish'.' ... 'You take the green pill, and you stay in Proutyland and we show you how deep the lizard-hole goes ...'"

illucid Artificial Synchronicity, Language Manipulation, Kundalini and the Corners of Reality 2002 Feb 26
     ... conspiracy . Reptilians ...
"This website is about the activities and methods of foreigners operating in disguise on the surface of Earth, masquerading as terrestrials and living as characters. The two foreign groups that operate on Earth are hereinafter called 'foreigners of Our Side' and 'foreigners of the Other Side'. The term 'THEY' refers to 'both sides' unless otherwise specified. The 'manipulations' carried out by the characters of foreigners of Our Side living on Earth -- spiritualized human entities that some call 'angels' -- described throughout thisd website are NOT really malign, although this manipulation is often maliciously positive in nature. Unlike these spiritualized foreigners of Our side, the foreign creatures of the Other Side (lizards, reptilians, etc.) are not able to read the minds of terrestrials. The characters of these foreign lizards living on Earth explore the weaknesses of the human being through a variety of other techniques of control also depicted all over this website."

chat Reptilian Resistance Forum 2001 Aug 11
     ... conspiracy . Reptilians ...
A public message board devoted to the discussion of those pesky Reptilians.

cranky Reptilian Research Archives 2000 Jan 10
     ... mythology . Reptilians . conspiracy ...
"Articles and research into the Dracoain/Reptilian theories ... Draconians/Reptilians found in mythology and demonology ... Reports of experiences with Reptilian entities ... Replitian contact with humans/Earth ... Maps and map studies in Reptilian theories ... Reptilian entities channeling through humans ... Biblical and extra-Biblical studies of Reptilians ..."

crankiest David Icke 1999 Oct 18
     ... conspiracy . Reptilians . September 11 ...
"... the most controversial author and speaker in the world."

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