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Crank Dot Net cranks, crackpots, kooks, & loons on the net






crankiest 2005 Dec 23
     ... geology . planetology . cosmology ...
"The Earth is growing and expanding rapidly by external accretion (meteorites, dust and solar energy) and internal core expansion (by gravitationally induced heating) ... The mechanisms and a new cosmology ... The map shown here is PROOF of Earth's growth and expansion in just the last ~200 million years -- proving there were NO oceans (now covering over 70% of the planet) when it was 40% smaller than it is today. The evidence is obvious, unmistakable and irrefutable!"

anti What's WRong With "Still Waiting for Greenhouse"? 2003 Jun 19
     ... meteorology . planetology ...
"Welcome to our web page. It is run by scientists who are concerned about misinformation that appears on the Internet in relation to Global Warming (also called the Greenhouse Effect). In particular, it seeks to expose errors of fact on one particular site -- Still Waiting for Greenhouse."

cranky Pole Shift Forum 2002 Nov 16
     ... planetology ...
"Could the poles and the equator trade places? Frozen places on the earth melt? Hot places become freezing? Can the earth's crust be shifted -- globally -- with cataclysmic suddenness? Some suggest over-accumulation of ice at the pole as a possible cause. Given current data, is that possible? Has it happened before? Probable? Possible? Impossible? Or does earth's crust world-wide move only with almost imperceptible slowness, as most currently believe."

crankiest Hollow Planets 2002 Apr 21
     ... hollow Earth . planetology ...
"A feasibility study of possible hollow worlds. Could the planets Mercury, Venus and Earth be hollow?"

crankiest Global Warming 2002 Mar 25
     ... planetology . electromagnetism ...
"The present thought on global warming seems to consider the excessive use of fossil fuel as the principal cause of global warming and I disagree with this. In my humble opinion, the principal cause of global warming is due to the heat within the center of the earth escaping through the surface of the earth. There is a 'variable constant' which has been measured for the present and this constant is 1.2 microcalories per centimeter squared per second. If one calculates this value for the entire earth for one year then converts the answer to megatons of TNT, the answer would be 193,000 megatons of TNT1. This variable constant can increase or decrease global warming. The earth has experienced this heating and cooling many times in the geological past. The last glacial period was a cooling period and the present time is going through a heating period and the use of fossil fuel would contribute a very small part of the global warming that we are experiencing at the present time."

illucid Guth Venus 2002 Feb 25
     ... extraterrestrials . planetology ...
"... clearly represents the first recorded discovery of 'life' as well as indicating a potential for 'air travel' existing on another planet besides Earth. At the very least, this discovery has located and further identified the (just for the fun of it) pre-greenhouse remains of an extremely large and fairly complex communities, long established on the planet Venus. And, in spite of whatever NASA and their vast communities of supportive braille soles and moles are stating, there exist significantly identifiable patterns making up the highly rational artificial content within the image(s) you see, as those derived from the most qualified imaging as being that of exceptional 'Extraordinary Proof', representative of the most recognized imaging 'truth' standards we currently have to offer."

crankiest Global Warming: Earth Can Explode! 2002 Jan 21
     ... planetology . meteorology ...
"The real danger for our entire civilization comes not from slow climate changes, but from overheating the planetary interior. Galileo discovered that Earth moves. Copernicus discovered that Earth moves around the Sun. In 2000 Tom Chalko, inspired by Desmarquet's report, discovered that the solid nucleus of our planet is a nuclear reactor and that our collective ignorance may cause it to overheat and explode. The discovery, verified by experts in many disciplines of science, has been published in June 2001 by the new scientific journal"

cranky Plate TEctonics and the Global Climate 2000 Aug 30
     ... planetology . geology . meteorology ...
"Life on Earth reels under the Supercontinental cycles. Every Supercontinent forms in a 'Tectonic Pause' with a global ice age. Massive ice sheets covers whole or part of the Supercontinent. Supercontinental breakup creates the new plates with a severe global warming and rapidly melts the ice sheets, exiting the global ice age period. Breakup and joining of the plates in between two Supercontinental periods causes small scale global warming and ice ages. Mass extinction occurs in the ice age and global warming periods. Evolution takes place in the post global warming period. Life thrives in the steady moving of the plates or in the period of oceanic plate subduction."

fringe White Mars 2000 Mar 06
     ... science . astronomy . planetology ...
"I began to suspect that there was something wrong with the standard model of Mars a couple of years ago when excitement was building over the Pathfinder mission to Mars. The existence of an excellent photorchive of Viking era orbital images of Mars facilitated my study of the planet, and I brought in a few threads of seabed studies from my own work, and vulcanology, inspired by the repeated rumblings of the Soufriere hills volcano on Martinique. This is a research endeavour facilitated and inspired by the Web, allowing me in Australia to look at the latest NASA images of Mars and piece together a new story of water, or lack of it, on Mars. This seriously changes how we view Mars. I'm sorry to all those whose research it will disrupt, or whose plans for Mars will need to be changed, but better we catch up with this now rather than later when too much energy and money has been spent pursuing the wrong targets. It doesn't end the story of water on Mars, but it certainly makes some things harder to do. On the other hand, some things get easier, so there's a trade-off ..."

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